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Thank you so much for your contribution to Colour Conference 2015. The part you play is imperative to the overall success of conference… a conference that changes the lives of individuals, communities and nations!
With this in mind, please serve in a manner that brings glory to God! Bring a “whatever-it-takes spirit” and be mindful in every encounter that our mandate is to place value upon womanhood.
Please look after yourself… wear your very cool Colour Volunteer T-shirt, eat regularly and drink plenty of water! And as you serve, why don’t you uphold Bobbie, our guest speakers and all the delegates in prayer.
Again, thanks so much! You are loved and appreciated!
Forever grateful,

On behalf of Ps Bobbie & the Colour Exec Team


About our conference! img

Colour Conference is a gathering of diverse and wonderful women from all over the world joining together to form a unique SISTERHOOD. Our mandate is to address the international complexities of human trafficking, poverty, the plight of abandoned and orphaned children, HIV positive women and the child soldiers of northern Uganda. Added to this are many local responses to challenges that are present in most local communities around the world. Colour is about gathering, equipping and mobilizing ordinary women from around the world to accomplish extraordinary exploits.

We’ve pioneered for near 20 years and now we “pioneer again”, but with greater clarity, colour, precision and authority. Our language is BE FOUND. Be found in His story; be found in His image, wisdom and grace. Be found in His magnificent salvation. Be found, in order that others may be found also.

What a privilege we all have to call Hillsong Church our home! Whatever part you play, let’s make Colour Conference 2015 the best yet!
